Tuesday 31 October 2017

Quadrilaterals D.L.O

We Are Learning To:

  • Identify classes of two- and three-dimensional shapes by their geometric properties. What do we know about triangles and quadrilaterals?
  • Use appropriate scales, devices and metric units for length and angles.

Explain and teach your audience how to draw five different quadrilaterals.

Construct (draw and build) the five quadrilaterals.

Name and draw each of the quadrilaterals.Show the special properties of each quadrilaterals. This means talk about the length of sides, the size of angles, sides that are the same...

Show how to use your protractor to measure the angles within each quadrilaterals..

What other important information do you think your reader should know?

Remember: this is your own work and you do not have permission to use other people’s work from the internet.