Tuesday 10 September 2019

Protangonist vs Antagonist

The heroes so far in my story are June and Daniel (Day) both of these characters have committed heroic acts throughout the books.

The villain in the first book (Legend)  was the old elector who was Anden's father. In the second and third it's the Colonies as they are threatening war against the Republic.

Wednesday 4 September 2019


Your blog post should include:

  • The name and author of your text.  
  • Why you chose it.  
  • Where it is set - describe this in 100 words
  • Who the main character (protagonist) is.  Describe him/her in 100 words
  • What is the key challenge your protagonist faces?

By Marie Lu

I chose this book because it looked like an interesting read after reading the blurb on the back.

This book is set in the United States however it's in an alternate reality. Throughout the book a war is going on between the "colonies" and the "republic". The majority of the book takes place in Los Vegas however other cities are also involved including Denver and Arizona. The city of Los Vegas is divided into different sectors mainly being divided by peoples wealth, poorer sectors are known as the slum sectors etc. Los Vegas is undergoing a time where the government has enforced extreme military control over the city.

The key challenge June is facing is saving the city and it's people from destruction and ultimately stopping the war.